Next we all took a ride on the elephants for a short trip around some of the ancient ruins of the city. The elephants proved to provide slow, bumpy, but fun rides.
We were treated to huge and delicious Thai lunch at a restaurant along a river. We enjoyed our meal inside the airconditioned restaurant, but relaxed outside on the floating raft dining area after the meal while the van drivers repaired a broken fan belt on one of the vans. We didn't mind the wait as the repair meant we'd have that all important air conditioning for the rest of our trip. The cool breezes along the river were quite refreshing.
We ended our adventure at a nearby Handicrafts Village, where the Thai government provides training for needy students to become skilled craftspeople. We were allowed into the workshop to stand next artists creating batiks, stained-glass, sculptures, metal works, and intracate glass designs. The grounds also included a small aqauarium and a large shop with products made right on the premise.
Students were on their own for dinner, but most headed the large food court in the huge Emporium Mall across the park from our Hotel. I was impressed overhearing many of the students doing their best to use their newly learned Thai vocabulary words to order and try new foods, or to at least order a burger and fries and Burger King.
Tomorrow we have a 5:00 a.m. early start as we fly to Trang to meet our Host Families and prepare for our teaching next week. We've a had a great educational experience in Bangkok, but we're ready to get to work!
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