Host Families
Student 2 – I met my host family. We went to the school where I will be teaching. I met a lot of people and they sat me down and brought chairs to surround me. They were all staring at me and they asked me to tell them something. I felt completely out of place but was trying to smile and be polite. … Turns out my family is really friendly and extremely happy. Mai Pen Rai (“no problem!).
Student 3 – Our host family is very sweet. They are so nice and always feeding us. One thing is for sure, we will never go hungry in Thailand. I really like our house, it is very modest but homey. This makes me wonder about how simple their lifestyle is. They only have the essentials, but it is all they need.
Student 4 – After much anticipation, I finally met my host family in Trang. … When [we arrived at the house] it was a dream come true. In addition to the house being beautiful, [my host mom] speaks English wonderfully and is very funny.
Student 6 – My host mother took me to a supermarket to buy me American food. I explained it was unnecessary because I will eat Thai food.
Student 7 – My host family’s home is beautiful! The family is so kind. The room is great but they are worried I don’t like it. I am so over taken by the out pouring of kindness. These people are so humble and kind. I am in awe of their kindness. I really do not know what to say except it has become so much to take in. I need some quiet time to process everything.
Student 8 – We arrived at my bungalow – paradise, and talked for over an hour (with my host mom). We walked around the property and a little on the beach.

Student 10 – As we were introduced to host families (at the reception), I as well as the others, started to feel a little sad. We realized that the 12 people chosen to come to Thailand are amazing people and we all became instant friends and now we have to leave each other. But most of all, reality set in that I was going to be living with a host family. As we said our goodbyes, the host families had an amazing expression on their face and made me feel better, comforted that they were excited to host us.
Student 11 – We all met our host families and in a blink of an eye we left with them. I was doing OK and enjoying meeting my new family, but later on I started missing everyone. I was wishing I could go back. This happened because I was surrounded by a lot of Thai people speaking their language comfortably and I did not understand. To me this was my #1 critical event. Throughout their conversation they talked about me, I know this because I heard my name said all the time. … I thought to myself that they were just as excited as I was wanted to find out about me from my host mom. I am a foreigner in their country staying in their home and that doesn’t happen that often. … Though I am starting to get used to this, I am still looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! … [a couple of days later …] This family reminds me of my family because they are all very united and are always together. This is my home away from home.
Student 12 – Today has been the worst day for me yet here in Thailand. The reception was lovely. The people were warm and my host family is very nice. Why the worst day then? I am feeling homesick! [a couple of days later] … In the evening when I finally drove up to the house and saw my host mom and host sister standing outside waiting for us, something changed inside of me. I started to feel like these people whom I had just met already cared for me. Communication between us this evening seemed easier even though we still couldn’t speak much of each other’s language, we were laughing and joking and opening up to each other.
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